Thursday, December 13, 2012

Balls Deep

Jolly kittens--

Share some o' that holiday spirit and forgive ol' Sweet Tea for her long absence. (If you're seriously pissed at me and you can't suffer through whatever it is I have to say, just skip to the end of this post for my cheap plea for forgiveness.)

Anyway...a couple of weekends ago, I headed down to my dear Aunt Cin's (Arkansas is in driving distance now, y'all!) for a Christmas Crafternoon--we were going to make wreaths out of Christmas balls. BALLS. Lots and lots of BALLS. Wreaths of balls. We had balls for days. Balls to the wall. (Seriously, we said balls all weekend in every conceivable way.)

The wreaths we had in mind took only three things: a coat hanger, ribbon, and BALLS. Shape a coat hanger into a circle, string it full o' balls, tie on some ribbon, and here you go:

Pretty cute, right?

Thing was, we had a TON O' BALLS left over. We were BALLS DEEP in balls.

You guys...we decided to make a tree o' balls. I'll spare you the's the result:

Tragic, isn't it? Sweet mother of pearl, it looks like it has tits. Just look at it for a minute. Take it all in. Let it sink in. Be glad it's not in your house.

Anyway. Merry Christmas. Here you go, boys:


  1. What about the girls?! Where's our eye candy dammit???


  2. The good news is that YouTube has solved the design flaw in women by installing a mute button (how am I not married, right?)

    Nice rack on that tree too, btw...
