So you read my chili post, right? Remember how I called my chili Razorback Chili? Yeah, well, about that. Some folks *cough*whodidn'twin*cough* think that maybe I shouldn't have been allowed to compete.
Before I get to that, let me give you some background. The chili cook-off was held as a fundraiser for an annual campaign. The fundraiser folks sent out an email asking for entries, and the number of contestants would be limited to 20, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Since the email went to nearly 10,000 people and I really wanted to enter, I responded quickly. Entries HAD to have a name for their chili, and entrants were encouraged to dress up or decorate their chili table. I own precious little clothing with any sort of pictures/logos/writing, and the only thing I could think of was my Arkansas Razorbacks t-shirt. I figured I'd wear that, so I called my chili Razorback Chili and submitted my entry. THAT'S why it was called Razorback Chili.
My recipe is just chili, folks. REALLY GOOD CHILI, but chili nonetheless. No fancy or hard-to-come-by ingredients.
ANYWAY. A guy came by my office today--you know how people love to gossip--and told me that my chili was the talk of the Office of Corporate Communications. Apparently, some folks didn't think I should have been allowed to compete, seeing as how my chili had wild game in it and all.
AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! First of all, the razorback is a fictitious fucking animal. I mean, it can be used to generically refer to feral pigs, but I had on a t-shirt of a college sports team that has created a fictitious beast. Second, TWO chilies contained venison. DEER MEAT. Hell, one was even called Bambi's Revenge, which I found to be hilarious.
It's true that a lot of folks asked me if there was razorback in it and I told them that there sure was--I killed it myself. And I smiled and/or winked every time I said it, and--while I'm no expert--it seemed to me that we both understood each other to be kidding 100% of the time.
Bitches be trippin'.
Really?? You should have told the animal lovers it was actually chicken in your chili. To be more exact you should have told them it was fucking Gamecock. WOOOOOOOO PIG SOOIE!