Monday, November 28, 2011

Hey There, Sports Fans!

Gentle bleaders--

Here's a little smattering of sports-related vanity plate humor for ya...

Ah, the Steelers fans. They're all up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Annoying as hell (but, then again, aren't most sports fans who carry their teams' flags long after the scoreboard lights have gone dark?) and also unoriginal. How do I know? Well, this dumb bastard is using 5s for Ss, and 3s for Es, which means that some other dumb bastard beat him to the "STEELRS" or "STEELRZ" or whatever other variation of this license plate there is--and there are a GAZILLION around here. You've all seen them, right? Worse, dumb fuck looks like he even bought his ugly-ass truck in a supporting color. Idiot.

The Washington Capitals. DC's only decent sports team *cough*thatchokeswhenitmatters*cough*. Maybe the owner of this license plate was challenging the Caps on all their regular season victories and then their playoff losses--maybe this license plate is supposed to read, "Caps! WTF?!" but the great state of Virginia wouldn't allow that, so they just had to settle for this license plate. Who knows? Who cares? Idiots all.

Who is the proud owner of the "FINS72" vanity plate? A (very) former Miami Dolphin who squandered all his 1972 paycheck on booze, bitches, and brats (the insurance policy of athlete-following hos everywhere), leaving him with barely enough cash to be ballin' around town in this super-sexy Honda Civic? Or is it some die-hard who just can't let go of an undefeated season that happened forty fucking years ago? Let it go, Fins fan--football seasons are longer these days. Just ask Patriot fans. 

"FDA1AS"? F DALLAS? FUCK DALLAS? Jesus H.!! Fucking Redskins fans (and their team-color cars. What is it with these dicks?). What's that, you say? There's a Redskins/Dallas rivalry? I hadn't heard. (SARCASM, kids.) Maybe back in the day this rivalry meant something, but now? People need to quit trying to make this shit happen. I'm so over the "H8 ROMO" license plates and the "Dallas Cowgirls" sweatshirts. I mean, THIS nastyfatfuck is the most visible member of the Dallas coaching staff:

And THIS is the Redskins head coach, whom I saw a few months back in a restaurant in Leesburg, and bitch was sunk down in his seat in the farthest corner of the restaurant while wifey desperately tried to sit there and look dignified (holy shit, that guy was TAN--and it was February):

Who cares enough about these pukes to put ANYTHING that draws attention to their causes on your license plates??? Way to keep it klassy, Skins fans.

1 comment:

  1. Your vitriolic rants re vanity plates are always fucking charming. LOVE it!
