Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It Is What It Is

Are there any turns of phrase that make you want to kill somebody, to claw your own eyes out, to stab yourself in the ear? For me, it’s the expression “It is what it is.” When did this little piece of genius catch on? It totally pisses me off to no end.

Look, I get it. It’s a fatalistic resolve. You’re trying to say that the situation isn’t going to change. It’s a given. No use wasting your energy. My question is, why don’t you just say those things instead of saying, “It is what it is”???

I mean, you couldn’t say, “It is what it isn’t,” right? Because, well, what the hell else would it be, for God’s sake? Nothing! So what’s the point? GAHHH! You may as well just say, “It is.” But I guess that just sounds too stupid and painfully obvious, so, because people like to hear themselves fill empty air with words, even meaningless ones, we’re stuck with “it is what it is.” Damn shame.

And because I can't close an entry with "it is what it is," I'm going to offer up another quotable little nugget. It makes no sense, really, but sense isn't the point; hilarity is. Sooooo...

Today I heard someone say about someone else, “That guy’s so stupid he couldn’t find his ass with both hands.” AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!

And while we're on the subject of dumbasses intelligent, genteel articulation, here's the pride of Alabama, Antoine Dodson. At least he doesn't say, "It is what it is."

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