Do you not have your Dickhead Decoder Ring on today? Poor, unfortunate you.
Allow me to translate the message being conveyed by this here vehicle operator:
What up, suckas? I'm noticin' you noticin' me in this here
In case you ain't noticed, I park how I wanna park
Wanna know my secret? It's like this: I know a guy. We'll call him Buddy. Known each other since college
And--in case you were wondering--YEAH. Yeah, I saw that Vietnam vet with a plastic hip, glass eye, and permanent limp who parked his Toyota Corolla out in BFE throw me a hard side-eye as I slid into this parking spot on two wheels and then hopped right the hell out and skipped into the mall, happy as a schoolgirl hopped up on helium.
And for all you shit-talkin', piece-o-crap bloggers out there, thanks for the shout-out to my little FUCK-YOU license plate. You like that, don'tcha?
Well, no, it's not a DECODER