If you're sick of getting your worship on behind the closed doors of a church and you'd like a more public forum to demonstrate your religious humility, then look no further than the ass end of your car!
Jesus, take the wheel!
Can we agree that you're just begging to be made an example of when you combine a dick parking job and a dick rhetorical license plate question?
Before anyone sends me hate mail, know that I'm not making fun of religion or being religious. Far from it. Actually, I'm making an argument for the sanctity of religion and being religious: as far as I'm concerned, even if your convictions are pure and strong, it kind of cheapens them as soon as they're stuck out there on the hind end of your vehicle, stopped at the Taco Bell drive-thru.
Is this really the place that you want to share your private, innermost, dearest convictions with the world? And how do those convictions look when the driver in front of you cuts you off and you give him the ol' one-fingered DC-area howdy? Is this where you want to be driving a license plate asking What Would Jesus Do To You?
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