Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guttersluts (And Other Reports from the Field)

Feisty little kittens--

My dear friend Lacey--a good Christian girl--checked in with a report from the road after work the other day. My good Christian friend allowed some heathen piece of trash to drive two miles in an exit-only lane, knowing full well that said skank would want to cut in line after bypassing all the other good Christians. Destined for sainthood, Lacey allowed ol' girl to cut in, knowing it was the right thing to do. Only when bitch totally slapped Lacey with a fuck-you license plate did Lacey pass her final judgment: GUTTERSLUT.

And the lovely Tina took pity on this poor bastard. The ass end of ol' boy's car looks like it's been beaten like the New England offensive line, and his license plate seems to be a cry for help (EAZY NOW). Too bad Gisele's not there to nut up and defend this car's honor:

And then there's this one from my good buddy Randall. ME & PIGLET. Ain't that just precious? The rest of the story is that while Randall obviously caught "ME & PIGLET" out grocery shopping or something...

...Sweet Tea Sis and Dear Old Dad (DOD) came upon Mama Piglet (MS PORK) halfway across the country:

"DOD! Take the wheel while I get my camera out!" shrieked Sweet Tea Sis, barreling down the road at 70 mph.

"What?!" yelled DOD, not understanding what was going on but taking the wheel nonetheless.

"I need this pic for Sweet Tea!"

"Who?" Sweet Tea Sis couldn't tell if DOD's questions were due to a lack of understanding or plain ol' incredulity, but this was no time to explain.


"Who? Her what? That don't sound like nothin' I ever heard of."

Thanks so much to all you field reporters! Keep those pics a-comin', and y'all be careful out there!

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