Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chick-fil-A: Kickin' Ass, Takin' Names

Chick-fil-A takes an awful lot of heat from the liberal press for being a Christian company. They don't support gay rights and they are closed on Sundays. Whether or not you agree with either of those things, I don't see how you can't respect the general principle. They could make a TON of cash by bowing down to the liberal pressure, but they don't.

CFA was the first fast food restaurant to post its nutritional information (no sandwich is over 500 calories)--and with no pressure from the media and no social reward to reap. And their service? Nothing short of excellent, 100% of the time. Further, if there's a better french fry out there than their waffle fry, then I've certainly never had it. OH. AND. Sweet tea? Yes, please! Served all day, every day (except Sundays, like I done told ya).

The thing is, I very rarely go. Unless someone else suggests it, I never eat fast food. But if someone else DOES happen to suggest a fast food lunch, my vote is for CFA. Every time.

Anyway, a new CFA has been built less than a quarter-mile from my house, and I had heard that it was opening tomorrow morning at 6. Since I leave the house at six every morning for work, I figured I would stop in and be the very first CFA customer at the new location. WRONG.

On my way to work this morning, I noticed some activity at the CFA, but it was dark and I was barely awake, so I didn't pay much attention. But coming home tonight, the activity was not to be missed. PEOPLE WERE CAMPING THE EFF OUT AT CFA!

My curiosity got the best of me; I paid them a visit. Turns out, there's a little thing called Chick-fil-A: First 100. As one of the campers told me, any time a CFA opens, there is a 24-hour camp-out the day before. AND, for the entire 24 hours, the CFA is open to the campers only, providing them with free food and use of the facilities. When the store opens for the first time, not only do the campers get free breakfast, but they also get free CFA food for a year.

Check it out:

And there was a DJ, people! These CFA fans, seen here doing The Chicken Dance (a classic if ever there was one), asked me to join in the Hokey Pokey on my way out. I declined because I like to pretend I have a shred of dignity, even though we all know nothing could be further from the truth.

And here's the part where the campers go inside for sustenance/refreshments. The newest CFA employees were getting a pep talk from their boss:

Believe it or not, there were lots of families there. Despite the fact that it's ball-shriveling cold and wet, I'm sure it's a great little adventure with lots of memories for a family.

Anyway, I guess I won't be stopping off at CFA in the morning for a chicken biscuit, but I will likely hit the drive-thru for a beverage on my way home from work tomorrow: sweet tea, please! :)

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention their unabashed use of dairy cattle (the breed least likely to eventually be a hamburger)to promote the mass execution of poultry and they serve a mean peach milkshake. This is also one of the few fast food establishments to employ caucasians in large numbers despite that race's seeming inability to handle the complex work and to ask "Would you like fries with that?" I suspect those employed are from the Balkans or some other exotic locale.
