Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Crazy Dog Lady

My neighborhood is crawling with Crazy Dog Ladies (CDLs). THESE bitches (the owners, not the dogs, ba-dum-ching) put the crazy out there for the world to see, including having doggie sleepovers. These are grown women...spending the night with each other...because they have dogs in common. Let that sink in for a minute.

Me? Yes, I'm a CDL, but I try to keep the crazy within the confines of my own castle (except for, ahem, this here blog). And the latest example of my CDL-ness? Well, I just bought the fabric for Lucy's Christmas dress. Witness:

Interestingly (or not), my dear friend Lacey and I were discussing just the other day the faces our dogs make when the vet, uh, takes their temperature. You know exactly what I mean. Anyway, posing next to her Christmas dress fabric, Lucy made her temperature-taking face. Great, Goose. Way to make mommy feel like she did a good job picking out fabric.

I'm going to make her a dress with a little ruffle around the back and I'm going to sew her a little pearl necklace around the (duh) neck part. I thought about getting her some Santa Claus-y fluffy stuff for trim, but I figured that would just get lost in her fur.

CDL indeed.

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