Someone got a bath this weekend. Someone smelled like a pile of garbage, but now someone smells like flowers. Someone was looking a bit raggamuffin, but now someone is EXTRA fluffy...
Just look at that shiny coat!
I tried to get a picture of her wet (she looks hilarious), but she wasn't having it. She was flipping me off for bathing her (as she was rolling around on my just-vacuumed carpet).
And I definitely can't get a picture of her in the bath because I have a hard enough time bathing her with just two hands. Also--this is the voice of experience, kids--I wear nothing but a bra and panties when I bathe Lucy. It's just easier than getting my clothes soaked. I'm sure we'd make a great picture at bathtime.
But she needed a bath and a trim--I'd put them both off for quite a while. Anyway, now you know what I did with my weekend. :)
I originally thought you were talking about yourself and that you got lucKy, then I realized you really didn't misspell lucky...go figure.