Sunday, October 23, 2011

Speeding Tickets (How to Get One)

Pretend you're a constable on patrol (aka cop--I just like the word "constable"). Pretend that you clock this seemingly unremarkable car going just over the speed limit:

Do you give the driver a ticket or do you let him/her off with a warning? Does THIS help you make up your mind?

I realize that "Zoom, Zoom" is the Mazda motto, but I think that Mazda does just fine on its own without any help from anyone looking to make a clever little reference with a license plate. Dumbass.


  1. Wonder if I can get "pokin' like a granny" to fit on tag? Not so much to avoid any tickets, but just to state the obvious. Maybe I should be REALLY super cool and have "Yukon" as a vanity plate. It might make it more clear to the pissed off people dying to pass my meemaw-ish driving ass exactly what they'll be "zoomnby."

  2. All citizens should be allowed to carry a firearm specifically for the purpose of shooting people with vanity plates. No questions asked.

  3. YOU GUYS should be writing this blog! Hilarious (hilarios)!
