Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It Ain't Easy Being Green

My humble little kittens--

Don't you just love that feeling of superiority you get when you stereotype people are able to accurately predict things about people?

I mean, when you see a car accident, you just KNOW it's a woman's fault, because we all know that women can't drive (because they're too busy putting on makeup and talking on the phone about GOD KNOWS WHAT):

Multitasking seemed to be the only way Norma could balance career and family. When the end came, she never knew what hit her.

And we all know that beauty queens (especially blonde ones) are dumb:

And one stereotype thing I've come to learn is that bright green cars are the automobile choice for people who have all sorts of shit to say about themselves to the other drivers on the road who wouldn't give a fuck even if they were the last other person on earth and they needed to depend on each other for survival.

Have a look at this bullshit. As if you couldn't already tell the car was a "GRN BUBL," you have to also be told by the paw print that this driver loves his dog, and the "I Heart My Great Dane" ribbon lets you know what kind of doggie balls are flapping in the wind when the windows are down:

And what about this moron? He went to Geoge Mason. AND Vermont. Two schools with green mascots. Whoop-tee-shit. Wow, man...that's...that's...that's awesome, man.

And this dipshit? A green car with a license plate that says RIBBET and the inside is filled with stuffed frogs??? Sometimes there are no words:

Stereotypes: They exist for a reason:

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