Monday, January 30, 2012

Life Is Better With Dogs

Tender, cuddly little puppies--

One day my buddy Brad and I were discussing social politics. I was pontificating about how some social graces are required if for no other reason than to differentiate us from animals, but Brad insisted that we'd all be better off if we were more like animals--particularly dogs.

He was right:

Dogs are always happy to see you.

When a dog is middle-aged, it won't leave you for a younger owner.

Dogs don't care if their hair gets messed up hanging out of the car window--enjoying the moment is all that matters.

Dogs don't care if you're ugly.

No matter if there's nothing good on tv, you don't feel well, or you're just taking a walk together around the block--all that matters to the dog is that you're together.

Other than fetch, chase, and run-until-you-can't-breathe, dogs don't play games. You always know where you stand with a dog.

Holidays mean nothing to dogs. No gift is ever expected. Every gift is a bonus and they LOVE you for it.

As the old joke goes...what's the difference between a woman and a dog locked in the trunk of your car? When you open the trunk, the dog will be happy to see you...

For Brad and Jack the Wonder Dog, who chose not to endure another February, his least favorite month. Here's hoping that Jack's enjoying a steak bone and a belly rub in the sky.

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