Monday, December 19, 2011

Pie Crust

My dear little overstuffed holiday sweets,

Remember the mincemeat pie I made for my dear friend Michelle? Well, I have a gluttonous confession to make about that. I made a little more pie crust *cough*double*cough* than necessary.

Why, you may ask. Well, I'm a-gonna tell ya. One of my favorite desserts in the whole world isn't exactly a dessert at all--it's pie crust. No pie. Just crust.

Back in the day, my dear old meemaw used to handle pie crust that didn't make it into the pie thusly: she would brush it with egg or milk or butter (whatever is called for in the recipe) and then sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar and then stick it in the oven. That's it. That's the recipe.

You know how some people just LOVELOVELOVE chocolate? I mean, yeah, I like it alright, but that's about as far as it goes. (That said, pair chocolate with peanut butter and I will filet a puppy in front of an orphan to get in on that action.) But put something with cinnamon in front of me and I am in hog heaven. As far as I'm concerned, cinnamon beats chocolate like a Guantanamo detainee any day of the week.

Make some extra pie crust with your pumpkin or pecan or whatever pie this Christmas, douse it with cinnamon sugar, and see if I'm not lying. Enjoy!

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